Selected Publication
(1) Ming-Chung Wu, Yi-Jen Wu, Wei-Che Yen, Hsi-Hsing Lo, Ching-Fuh Lin, and Wei-Fang Su*, "Correlation between Nanoscale Surface Potential and Power Conversion Efficiency of P3HT/TiO2 Nanorods Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices", 2010, Nanoscale, 2, 1448-1454. (▲:20; SCI; IF:8.307 at 2021; Ranking:23/161=14.3% in Physics, Applied)

(2) Ming-Chung Wu, Hsueh-Chung Liao, Yi Chou, Che-Pu Hsu, Wei-Che Yen, Chih-Min Chuang, Yun-Yue Lin, Chun-Wei Chen, Yang-Fang Chen*, and Wei-Fang Su*, "Manipulation of Nanoscale Phase Separation and Optical Properties of P3HT/PMMA Polymer Blends for Photoluminescent Electron Beam Resist", 2010, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, 10277-10284. (▲:26; SCI; IF:3.466 at 2021; Ranking:94/163=57.7% in Chemistry, Physical)